About Us


A nursing mother’s greatest preoccupation is to provide loving care for her baby. In the past, giving such care was invariably without social cost. Many nursing mothers were housewives. They spent long periods of quality time with their babies, assisted by members of the extended family. Babies then, had the luxury of being breast fed until they were completely weaned! The same “timeless” devotion to babies by their nursing mothers is conspicuously missing in the experiences of the modern day nursing mother. Today, she is a career woman; a business woman; a clergy; or found in other sensitive roles that require her commitment to the attainment of stated goals.

These economic, social and other demands on the modern day nursing mother make it impossible for her to spend longer periods caring for her baby. Just three months after delivery, she is expected to resume her role as before. She, like a lot others, cannot find the right kind of care she desires for her baby.

The use of house helps, though not her best option, became the choice. These house helps are not trained to care for babies; besides, most of them are illiterate, and so do not comprehend the need for special care especially where hygiene is concerned. The results of the use of these house helps have been the spate of cases of diarrhoea, malnutrition, disease infections, and in isolated cases death of babies. It is in response to these challenges faced by working nursing mothers that The BabyNest was established in 2005.​

Our Vision

To become an Early Childhood Development and Care Service provider of Choice in Ghana.

Our Objectives

-To become one of the best and renowned crèches in the city of Accra -To produce very intelligent, smart and well-behaved children -To free up working mothers to concentrate on their career and professional roles -Recruit, train, motivate and retain well qualified nursery teachers

Our Mission

We are totally committed to providing a first class early childhood development and care services for children aged 3 months to 5 years in a hygienic, secure and baby friendly environment that promotes awesome early learning experiences. We aim to achieve excellence through a set of core values that are shared by our well-trained, dedicated and motivated staff.

Our Core Values

  • Exemplifying our tag line “Tender Loving Care”
  • Respecting the Rights of the child and those of their Parents.
  • Nurturing our children in life-changing, positive virtues.
  • Provoking the creative abilities in our children
  • Ensuring Service Excellence through continuous training of staff and building esprit de corps.

    Our Services

    Mainstream Services

    Description here: We offer the following main services
    Our facilities are opened five days a week. We are delighted to receive enrolled babies from 6.30am and provide care and teaching services till 6pm daily.
    In fulfillment of our principal objective, we take cognizance of the week-end social engagements of nursing mothers. In this regard, a special week-end care service has been planned and will soon be available on Saturdays only from 6.30am to 4pm. Parents are expected to give at least 3 days’ notice to the Management of their intention to use the week-end service. The week-end service will also be open to children other than our regular patrons.

    Extracurricular Activities

    Description here: We offer the following fun activities
  • French
  • Reading
  • Creativity
  • Swimming
  • Ballet
  • Music & Dance
  • Drama & Debaters
  • STEM Robotics
  • Sports
  • 5
    Children To Teacher Ratio
    150 +
    total teachers
    950 +
    Hear from our parents


    Let's explore what Customers have to say about us.

    Baby-Friendly Facility

    Safe Environment

    Interactive Learning

    Happy Customers


    Interested in good preschool education for your child? Joining The BabyNest is the right decision!